How Many Jobs Are Available In Capital Goods?

The question, “How many jobs are available in capital goods?” is necessary to understand the labor market and capital goods’ role in job creation.

As the backbone of the manufacturing sector, capital goods are essential for producing a wide range of goods and services.

The capital goods sector is a significant employer globally, offering a range of jobs from skilled tradespeople to engineers and executives.

Interestingly, the capital goods industry provides employment opportunities in various fields, with around 1.5 million jobs in the United States.

Manufacturing alone offers about 600,000 jobs in engineering, computer design, business development, and marketing.

Let’s delve deeper into the topic, exploring how it works and the types of jobs available in capital goods. But first, here’s an overview of this dynamic industry.

Capital Goods: What Are They?

Capital goods are goods or services used in production to make other goods or provide services. Examples of capital goods jobs include raw materials, machinery, plants, and equipment. 

The capital goods industry is essential to the economy and provides many jobs. In the US, capital goods comprise approximately one-third of the GDP; however, no standard definition exists.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the capital goods industry employed over 1.7 million people in the United States as of 2021.

Jobs in the capital goods industry range from engineers and technicians designing and developing new equipment to production workers manufacturing and assembling the machinery.

To boost output and efficiency, firms are likely to increase their spending on machinery and technology, fueling the sector’s projected expansion.

How Do Capital Goods Work?

Capital goods play a crucial role in the economy by enhancing its productive capacity over the long term.

New capital asset creation and production are given priority in developed nations like the USA.

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This leads to increased opportunities, better technology, and the employment of skilled individuals.

The capital asset industry brings sectors together to create assets used for producing goods.

These goods are then sold to customers, generating profits for companies and tax revenue for the government.

Also, it offers support for the private and public sectors, stimulating the economy.

How Many Jobs Are Available In Capital Goods?

Estimates for the number of job openings in the capital goods sector differ depending on the source. Still, it is generally believed to be 970,000 to 1.3 million.

However, remembering that employment numbers can change due to new technologies, the economy, and significant world events is essential.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics published data on employment figures and projected job opportunities for approximately 1,000 professions.

About 80 of these professions are considered relevant to capital goods. Plus, they are estimated to have an average of 7.3 million job openings each year between 2020 and 2030.

However, the professions included in the capital goods category are somewhat subjective.

Many online sources state there are 1.3 million jobs in capital goods. Hence, it suffices to project jobs in capital goods at over a million annually.

That’s an indication that job seekers have numerous opportunities available to them.

Types Of Jobs Available In Capital Goods 

Aside from knowing the number of jobs in capital goods, you should know the types available. Capital goods companies hire for various roles, including manufacturing, sales, marketing, and engineering. 

The industry involves physical product production, leading to many manufacturing positions. In addition, the sector offers opportunities in knowledge-based roles such as design. 

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Let’s look at the employment opportunities in the capital goods sector.


The engineer’s job in the capital goods industry is to design and make new products, processes, and systems.

They use their technical skills to analyze, solve problems, and develop new products. Example job titles include mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, and software engineer.


Technical support employees assist in installing, maintaining, and repairing equipment and machinery.

They use their technical skills to troubleshoot and resolve problems. Example job titles include maintenance technician, installation technician, and repair technician.

Sales Representatives

Sales representatives are responsible for selling capital goods to businesses and consumers.

They identify potential customers, develop relationships, and negotiate deals. Job titles include sales representative, account manager, and business development manager.

Project Management Role 

Project managers oversee the planning, execution, and delivery of capital goods projects.

They ensure that projects are finished on schedule and within budget while meeting customer requirements. Example job titles include project manager, program manager, and engineering manager.

Quality Control Inspectors

Quality control inspectors ensure that capital goods meet quality standards and specifications.

They inspect products, conduct tests to identify flaws and ensure products adhere to customer specifications. Job titles include quality control inspector, quality assurance technician, and quality engineer.

Operations Management Role

Operations managers oversee the production, assembly, and delivery of capital goods.

They keep track of resources, processes, and people to ensure that goods are made well and meet customer needs. Example job titles include operations manager, production manager, and plant manager.

Research And Development Specialists

Research and development employees do research and development work to improve products or make new ones.

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They look for novel materials and technologies, test prototypes, and assess them. The job roles include people who work in research and development, as well as research scientists and product design engineers.

Key Takeaways

People looking for entry-level jobs, professional training, career advancement, and stable work can find all these things in the capital goods industry.

Worried about employment opportunities in capital goods? According to present patterns, the sector is anticipated to expand continuously.

Regardless of the role you’re interested in, you can be employed in the capital goods sector with the appropriate qualifications.

Note that vacancies in the capital goods sector can differ depending on the job you seek and the source you consult.

So, looking carefully for specific positions and determining how many jobs are open is essential.


1.) Is the Capital Goods Industry Growing?

Yes, it is. Current trends point towards the potential for sustained growth in the capital goods sector.

The Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) database shows that manufacturing investment demand has consistently risen since April 2020. 

2.) Do All Jobs In Capital Goods Involve Manual Labor?

No, not all. While some jobs, such as machine operation, involve manual labor, many do not.

For example, positions in design and engineering, sales and marketing, research and development, project management, finance, and accounting do not.

3.) How Easy Is It To Get A Job In Capital Goods?

Getting a job in the capital goods industry depends on factors like education, skillset, work experience, and the job market.

The drive can be competitive due to its focus on manufacturing and engineering. However, relevant education, work experience, and qualifications increase your chances of securing a job.